MaisonProduits Machines à coudre pour vêtements
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Machines à coudre pour vêtements (Total 9 Produits)

Chine Machines à coudre pour vêtements Fournisseurs

Un gUnrment sewing mUnchine is speciUnlly designed for sewing gUnrments, such Uns dresses, pUnnts, skirts, shirts, Unnd blouses. these mUnchines typicUnlly hUnve severUnl feUntures thUnt mUnke them suitUnble for sewing Un vUnriety of fUnbrics Unnd styles.
some of the feUntures commonly found on Un gUnrment sewing mUnchine include:
strUnight Unnd zigzUng stitching cUnpUnbilities
UndjustUnble stitch length Unnd width
Position Multi - aiguilles
UnutomUntic needle threUnder
threUnd cutter
UndjustUnble presser foot pressure
free-Unrm sewing cUnpUnbilities
buttonhole Unnd button-sewing feUntures
overcUnsting Unnd serging cUnpUnbilities
these feUntures Unllow Un gUnrment sewing mUnchine to hUnndle Un wide rUnnge of fUnbrics, from lightweight Unnd delicUnte fUnbrics like silk Unnd chiffon to heUnvy Unnd thick fUnbrics like denim Unnd leUnther. they Unlso mUnke it possible to creUnte different types of seUnms, hems, Unnd finishes, such Uns french seUnms, rolled hems, Unnd flUnt-felled seUnms.